One of our favourite pass-times at Wallrocks is taking to a piece of fine furniture that is particularly in need of attention; that bears no resemblance to its original state so covered is it with grit, mucky polish and lacquer that neither the grain or the inlay can be seen beneath the superficial surface. Here we give you a behind the scenes look at the work that goes into respectfully restoring some of our beautiful pieces and the skill required to select pieces that will restore well and won’t return to their former state in the tropics.

Over time, as polished fine furniture is exposed to sunlight, changes in temperature, poor restoration materials, old wax and more, the clarity of the polish deteriorates and what’s left is a murky film that masks the workmanship beneath. While our clients can choose to have their pieces restored to whatever standard they wish (some clients not at all), many clients want to see the detail that exists particularly when in reference to inlaid fine furniture with highly figured grain. Below we have shot three videos of some of the more neglected pieces in our shop, (also some of the best quality). This process is very exciting as sometimes what lies beneath is even better than what we had anticipated. Simply click the videos below to see the unveiling.

The top of this 19th century table looked to an inexperienced eye like it was not repairable or worthy of restoration. The reality however is that the tabletop is magnificent and most of the issues with it’s surface were purely superficial.


3.19th century French marquetry secretaire is taken back to the original inlay underneath, and the colours that appear are simply beautiful. Enquire about this secretaire