Repolishing & Waxing
French Re-polishing or Waxing
Wallrocks have over 50 years experience restoring and French polishing by hand, and we guarantee the quality of the end result. Re-polishing furniture by hand is a painstaking job and we pride ourselves on using traditional techniques and crafts to achieve the finish that suits you best, whether that be a subtle lift or a piano finish.
We work closely with you to ensure the end result is exactly what you want – so waxing for those that prefer the hall-marks of age or hand-polishing to the level that you desire. We spend time establishing your concerns about the piece, and your individual likes and preferences as to finish so that we can achieve a beautiful result for you. Our antique furniture restoration is all done by hand – so no spray guns and no shortcuts.
We hand polish and repair preserving the integrity of the piece of furniture in the process. Our head restorer has been with us for over 37 years. Polishing allows the grain of the piece of furniture to become evident once again, and waxing provides a soft glow, however there is also the option to keep the piece in totally original condition if this is your preference.
To discuss the best restoration option for this piece please don’t hesitate to phone or email us or browse the examples of before and after re-polishing below.

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